
Making Mobile School dental visits a Breeze!

Our experienced and friendly team will make the process from calling us to service delivery, hassle free and fun.

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Cosmetic Dentistry

Lip enhancements, Dermal Fillers and ant-wrinkle treatments  are just a few of the solutions we offer for rejuvenating your skin and smile. We also  offer a wide range of cosmetic dentistry solutions including teeth whitening and smile make overs!. For more information and Bookings,

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Best Equipment

Our Business has the best monitoring, diagnostic and just any other equipment.

24/7 Ready

We’re ready to come to your aid on a 24/7 basis. Whenever the emergency calls, we’re there!

Skilled Dentists

We’ve gathered a seasoned team of dentists

Track Record

Patients who got their issue solved with us permanently stand at a proud 90% rate!

About Us

Regular dental check-ups and x-rays are an integral part of a child’s general health and well-being. Apart from tracking development, they enable us to identify tooth decay and gum disease in its early stages when it is usually easier to treat, ensuring your child maintains a healthy and clean oral cavity. These visits are also a great opportunity for us to engage in teaching your child the correct way to brush their teeth and promoting an interest in self-care from an early age.

We understand that life gets busy between work and caring for children. Unfortunately, all too often, many families miss out on taking their children to their six-monthly dental check-ups and this is where we step in.

With Dentist2you, you have the luxury of an experienced dentist coming to your child at their school or kindergarten for a comprehensive dental check-up and clean. Our caring and fun dentist will determine if your child needs any further treatment including fissure seals, fillings, crowns or pulling out baby teeth and can deliver these services on the day, after gaining consent from you.

What you get from us

  • A fun filled visit to the dentist for your child. We feel children are much more motivated to tackle and enjoy their dental visit at school with the rest of their friends.
  • Check-up, x-rays, clean, polishing, fillings, fissure seals, extractions, fluoride gel application and crowns as needed by your child’s own customised treatment plan made on the day.
  • A discussion with your child about their dental care routine and demonstrations of brushing/flossing that will be tailored to their age.
  • A take home dental hygiene kit.
  • A thorough report of their comprehensive check-up, any treatment provided or recommended and a summary of how their visit went.
  • We take care of checking your child’s eligibility with Medicare and will inform you about it.
  • Bulk billing to Medicare and easy payment options for private dental cover and children not eligible for Medicare, because we are inclusive and aim to offer our services to every child!

all kind of services

What We Do.

A comprehensive oral and extra oral examination will be done by our dentist who has experience working with children..
This is a preventative procedure to clean and seal the deep grooves in your child’s back teeth which are more prone to dental decay...
A filling is done in a tooth that has decay. Decay is not always obvious which is why a set of trained eyes and x-rays help in diagnosing decay...
Loose or broken-down baby teeth can be removed painlessly at your child’s dental visit by our experienced dentist. After care instructions...

Jessy McStanton

I have 4 kids, whose ages span from 2 years old to 15 years old. All of us are faithful patients at this clinic!

Hallie Manning


I’ve never been more trusting to a pediatric dentist than to the one I and my son Joe visit here!

Jenny Palmer


With the notion of just how much kids do hate sitting in the dentist’s chair, Dr. Lehrer undid it all for Jamie!


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Servicing Childcares, Kindergarten, Schools & Aged care facilities throughout Victoria.


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